June 10, 2022

Building a personalized food delivery platform

We helped All Day, a food delivery startup, build a personalized meal delivery platform that has transformed the way people eat in Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca.


All Day faced the challenge of launching a robust, scalable food delivery platform without an in-house technical team and under a tight timeline.

The primary goal was to build a user-friendly e-commerce platform that allowed customers to select meals from diet-specific menus and customize their delivery schedules to fit their lifestyles.

This was to be achieved while ensuring the platform could accommodate the client's rapid business growth and adapt to evolving market demands.

We aimed to translate All Day’s innovative business model into a functional and efficient online service that could scale seamlessly as the company expanded into new markets.


Addressing multiple interconnected challenges, we first developed a dynamic scheduling system that allowed for extensive user customization while maintaining platform stability. This was crucial as frequent updates to menus and schedules were expected. We implemented robust testing protocols to ensure seamless updates and maintain system integrity.

As All Day expanded to Cluj-Napoca, we optimized the platform's infrastructure to handle increased traffic volumes and ensure scalable performance.

This strategic approach allowed All Day to sustain growth and improve operational efficiency as it grew into new markets.

Software consulting and development

We closely collaborated with the client to deep-dive into their business model, capturing detailed requirements before crafting a strategic development roadmap.

Employing an agile methodology, we ensured flexibility in design and implementation, allowing for rapid prototyping and iterative feedback.

Customizable meal plans

Users can choose from health-oriented meal plans tailored to dietary needs. Each plan has nutritional information and a list of ingredients.

Customizable meal plans

Dynamic scheduling

A robust system where customers can modify delivery times and frequencies to suit their lifestyles.

Meal plan scheduling

User-Friendly interface

An intuitive interface designed for ease of navigation and minimal transaction friction.

UI 1
UI 2

Maintenance and support

We provided ongoing support and maintenance services to ensure the platform's optimal performance and scalability. Our team conducted regular audits and updates to enhance the platform's security and user experience.

24/7 Support

A dedicated team of experts available round-the-clock to address any technical issues.

Regular Updates

Continuous updates and enhancements to improve the platform's performance and user experience.

Security Audits

Regular security audits to identify and mitigate potential vulnerabilities.


The platform's launch was a resounding success, contributing to All Day's rapid growth in Timisoara and Cluj-Napoca. Today, All Day manages over 3000 monthly deliveries and has significantly increased its market share.

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